“Green Jail” is the first documentary film for the 21 years to be included in the “International New Talent Competition” as Taiwan representative. It’s such a great honor!
For another prestigious competition for Taiwan cinema – “Taipei Film Awards”, the film recieved 3 nominations of “Best Documentary”, “Best Sound Design”, and “Best Music” award. It’s also the 3rd time for director Huang Yin-yu to be nominated for the “Best Documentary” award (2013 “Temperature at Nights”, 2016 “After Spring, the Tamaki Family…”).
“Green Jail” also starts its theatrical release in Taiwan from 14th May.
Taipei Film Festival official announcement:
“International New Talent Competition”: https://www.taipeiff.taipei/newsCT.aspx?id=419
“Taipei Film Awards”: https://www.taipeiff.taipei/newsCT.aspx?id=418
“Green Jail” Taiwan official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yaeyamaprojectTW